
Welcome to Westside!

We're thrilled that you have taken the time to visit our website!
We want you to feel at home, so take a look around, and message us on Facebook (CLICK HERE) with any questions you may have. 

In the mid 1970's God laid it on the heart of a core of believers to do something for him on the westside of Sydney. It was a humble but powerful beginning as God used this small group of dedicated people to fulfill His vision for an assembly in this place.

Over time, and through the ups and downs of the decades, God has graciously allowed the assembly to grow and to flourish. Today, the chapel is full of life and vibrancy as people of all ages and ethnicities gather each Sunday to celebrate the breaking of the bread, worship Christ in song, encourage one another, and learn more of the Word of God.

We are a non-denominational, Bible-believing assembly with a strong heritage in the open Brethren movement. We are evangelical in doctrine and focus.